Friday, May 04, 2007

Additional Introvert’s Communiqué in the Workplace

Here are another six thoughts on perceptions of introverts in the workplace:

I don’t always socialize during networking or other social events.
TRUTH I prefer in-depth conversation and find little value in chitchat.

When I start dragging at social events people call me a party pooper.
TRUTH I need time alone to reenergize and recharge.

I come across intense.
TRUTH I’m probably using my strong ability to focus and concentrate.

It seems like I’m a loner or territorial.
TRUTH Time and space to myself is energizing.

You think I don’t like people.
TRUTH I am self-reflective, even around others.

I can be uncomfortable with change.
TRUTH I prefer a thoughtful, creative approach to changes.

There are certainly more than these and the first six posted. What's important to me it seems is that we work toward clearning up this misperceptions.

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