Monday, September 22, 2008

100 Days to Sell and Meet 2008 Goals

I'm working through my own prospect list and have a buddy to report to every three days. With 127 names of prospects in the last year, there's people who may want me to call them!

    Part of my report will be around Follow-up. Here's a tip - either hire a coach or find someone to be your buddy for the next few weeks. You will be using telephone and in-person whenever feasible for sales follow-up. At least once a week check in with your coach or buddy to report on your results. Make it fun! Reward yourself at certain set goals. When I'm caught up on follow up, my buddy and I are going to lunch together.

While I continue to work on a blueprint for your consideration to Fill Up, Firm Up and Follow-Up, you may be interested in a Teleseminar Extravaganza. Go to for details.

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