Monday, October 27, 2008
Revving up Sales for Introverts, Shy and Reluctant
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Economy Survival for Introverts and Extroverts Alike
- "Have you ever felt like the dove that left Noah’s Ark in search of dry land only to find more sea than ever and nowhere to land? Or perhaps you have been valiantly resisting the urge to bail out during all the disastrous news because you are determined to avoid buying high and selling low. And just when you were thinking it couldn’t get any worse… " Read more on Shelle's blog.
What's your biggest hurdle to overcome in sales reluctance?
Answer this online survey and get a free gift! Read more!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sales Training – Daily Recovery Important for Introverts
One area to fill up is your own beliefs about what success you want. Most of us, salespeople or not, have beliefs that hold us back from being all we want to be. We have that internal dialogue that is like a noisy clanking engine. “I’m not worthy,” “it doesn’t matter that others are succeeding, I’m different,” or any number of beliefs keep on ticking in our mind. Find a release technique to set your day up for success. Some most effective ones include the Sedona technique, Emotional Freedom Technique, meditation or love letters. It doesn’t matter what technique. What matters is to use one daily.
Another fill up is to identify appropriate marketing activities. What’s appropriate? First, select a mix of activities that satisfy short, medium and long term sales goals. Then, act the ones that you enjoy! The ones that you have more comfort with. Let’s say it’s the fourth quarter of the year and you are quite close to making your sales goal. The priority, the emphasis, would be on short term activities that get you the fastest results. This would include activities like: follow up with all prospects, contact all current clients to cross sell, and asking for referrals from clients. The fourth quarter is not the prime time to be using speaking engagement or article writing to attract new prospects quickly. When you need fast results, select and act on low hanging fruit sales actions. Whatever activities you select, start with activities you like the most to keep your attitude high.
A third fill up activity is to constantly be defining your perfect client. Have you noticed when driving that is you take your eye of the road for just a second or two, you may tend to drift off your lane? Well, when you take your thinking and talking about your perfect customer off in a different direction you tend to drift away from your perfect clients. Part of your daily routine can include a fill up in your mind and talk about just who is your target client. The book, Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity
Extroverts tend to be energized by many activities going on at once, and a daily fill up may not be required. But extroverts would still benefit from a routine kind of attitudinal and marketing activity fill up.
If the tendency is more toward introversion, then the three fill ups – releasing negative beliefs, acting on desirable marketing activities and focusing on your target client – are more important on a daily basis.
What's your biggest hurdle to overcome in sales reluctance?
Answer this online survey and get a free gift!
Read more!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Salespeople still sell well in this economy!
The Ferrari salesman who we bought our F430 from is making the news: he continues to sell these exotic sports cars without any problems. Just like we were on the waiting list for 3 years, he's got people on the waiting list now.
So what is the secret to selling such luxury while the market is still in free fall? Go to the eighth paragraph and first sentence.
How can you use this philosophy?
Read more!Monday, September 22, 2008
100 Days to Sell and Meet 2008 Goals
Part of my report will be around Follow-up. Here's a tip - either hire a coach or find someone to be your buddy for the next few weeks. You will be using telephone and in-person whenever feasible for sales follow-up. At least once a week check in with your coach or buddy to report on your results. Make it fun! Reward yourself at certain set goals. When I'm caught up on follow up, my buddy and I are going to lunch together.
While I continue to work on a blueprint for your consideration to Fill Up, Firm Up and Follow-Up, you may be interested in a Teleseminar Extravaganza. Go to for details. Read more!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Reach Your 2008 Sales Goals in the Last 100 Days
My strategy now it to plan out each and every week with a Fill Up, Firm Up and Follow up approach. I plan to offer this as a report to you in the next day or two.
In the meantime I found some no and low cost sales related top tips:
- Top 100 Tips for Lead Management and Sales Success;
- How To Reach Your Year End Goals Even If You Haven't Started On Them;
- and as a dog lover, Top Dog Sales Secrets.
Sign up for my ezine with dozens of free reports and you'll get the Year End Fill Up, Firm Up, Followup, End of Year Sales Plan.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Selling Like a Dog May Be Introvert Advantage
My dog, Chanel, is awesome. With a petite size tennis ball in her mouth she stands at my office door when she is ready to go out and play. She stands there with eyes on me until I say something like, “Let’s go play!” Many salespeople are mystified about how to get a prospect to listen to them to let alone buy. It’s not a requirement that your prospect be an introvert, known to be better listeners naturally. There are easier ways, as my dog knows, to introduce yourself to a prospect and have them listen.
One dog lesson is, “When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience.”
Keep your eyes on the master.
In sales, think of your prospect as your master. Dogs learn their place in a family. Well trained dogs know that they go through a door once their master goes through rather than running ahead without permission. You must focus on prospects instead of yourself through all points in selling. The salesperson who constantly focuses on themselves will lose listening points. No one wants to hear about what you have to say until you say what they want to hear! Just like the dog knowing their place in a family by practicing obedience, as a salesperson consider your place in the sales relationship with a prospect: they come first.
Keep your focus.
Chanel sits at attention with that petite size tennis ball in her month for minutes sometimes. Because she doesn’t bark or whine it can take minute for me to look up at her if I am on a telephone call or writing an article. But her eyes never leave me. Stay focused first on your intention of the result of having someone listen to you and second on your prospect. On a recent coaching call, a client told me they are assessing the ease and less stress when they go to an initial sales call with a more reasonable sales intention. Their focus is to find out more about the prospect and their intention is to get to the next step: for them this is to schedule a follow up call. They are 99% more effective than their previous approach with the intention to get the sale.
Another dog teaching is, “If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.”
Remember what is buried.
Just like Chanel knows where she buries her dog treats and can find them easily at a later time, she also knows her tennis ball in her mouth will get time to play. It’s likely that your prospect doesn’t care to listen to you because you haven’t yet reminded them of what is buried in their mind – possibly a problem they whisked under the carpet, possibly a solution they seek that came and went through their mind. How do you help them to remember? Stay focused throughout a sales conversation on the prospect. Your listening can lead them to finding what is buried, and that can lead to a decision to buy from you.
Dig until you find the treasure.
You would laugh with amazement on how excited Chanel gets when I finally take note of her request. She goes from a statue like stare to romping with glee. If you are in rapport with your prospect while you help them to remember their pain – what is buried; or discover what solution they do want – also buried, then the time will be right for when you can present them with the treasure. Why would you want to rain on their delight by showing them the treasure before they even know what they were digging for?
Is it obvious to you I love the lessons that dogs give us about selling? Your obedience is about paying more attention to learning about the customer than to jumping in to some spiel about yourself. Then your digging about how and what to sell to your prospect will be as easy as it is for a dog.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Getting Back in the Flow: Anything to do with Introvert or Extrovert?
Does this have anything to do with introversion or extroversion?
My sense is it, since we process stress differently, that an introvert may go to extreme "I" behaviors during difficult times. Since our brains are hardwired to process through a long path of neuron connections, that seems to make sense.
It also may be a gender specific coping with stress. There's actual physical evidence that there is 1 of 3 hormones released during a stressful situation affecting women longer term.
What do you think? I'm interested!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Introvert and Extrovert Alike Experience Shyness
Here are Ten Ways to Combat Shyness regardless of your energy tendencies. Number six is a natural for introverts!
What do you think?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How fast is speed in blogging?
Since Google alerts is picking things up as my webmaster gets closer, I decided to go more with the flow.
If you want to see the new look:
What do you think?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Top Salespeople Secret Number 6 During a Recession
The USA talk is we’re knee deep in a recession, with rising and not as quick falling gas prices and the feds have just bailed out the infamous mortgage lenders Fannie May and Freddie Mac.
Do NOT get beaten down with all this.
Just a quick review before I get to the sixth thing that top salespeople do to avoid devastating affects:
Top salespeople CHOOSE to be a thermostat of sales results, not a thermometer. A thermometer measures temperature – like you finding your sales go up in a good economy or down in a downturn. A thermostat controls the temperature in your home – like you deciding to take some actions to regulate your own sales results.
Top salespeople choose not to be uncomfortable with a thermometer’s ups and downs. They either repair or replace the malfunction!
The top seven things I’ve found in 32 years of sales and sales management is that top producers don’t fall victim to negative chatter. Instead they: Read more!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Networking for introverts: is it any easier on the internet?
Here's one introverts plan of approach. Javen Ackerman outlines his approach with his top three online networking sites of choice. Then he considers how to make a smoother ride of it your local business community.
What do you think? Are you online at any of the social and business networking sites? I am interested!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sales career for introverts?
Should Introverts Consider A Career In Sales.
If you are considering whether to go B2B or B2C, he makes some observations from his personal experience, and as an introvert.
Personally I think as innovative as introverts are we can plan around the downsides of retail sales: time to recharge between customers, purposefully planning our quiet times before and after hours, just a couple of ideas. I love that here is another introvert saying, Go for a sales career!
What do you think? I am interested!
What do you say? You know what I would say!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Two Qualities for Top Sales Strategies
OK; what would just one quality be?
Well, in Crain's Manchester Business being a good listener is one of them. He too claims that as introverts, or those with more introversion, there's a distinct advantage for this to be more natural.
Whether you are in sales or a small business owner, listening is a people skill to develop.
What do you think? Is he right? Is this yet another skill we tend to let limit our abilities?
What do you say? You know what I would say!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Introvert Salespeople Have Some Superior Traits All Through Selling
Read Misconception #6: I found out I’m an Introvert, but I’m in a sales job. I guess I should find a new career, in her "Top 10 Misconceptions about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®."
What do you think? Is she right? Can it be our preferences do not limit our abilities?
What do you say? You know what I would say!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Elevator Pitch Design for Introverts to Love and Customers Want to Listen
Here's a way that is comfortable for me as an introvert that I am hoping is comfortable for you as well. After all, more interesting introductions can lead to more results in your networking efforts.
It might seem sad to think salespeople have reduced themselves to soundbites like this in doing business. Then again, selling today stretches our communication abilities. For salespeople, particularly for those who are shy or introverts or otherwise reluctant to even make an introduction, an attractive elevator speech is a must have to have to connect in a way that the customer knows whether you are focused on them or yourself.
The six steps to crafting an elevator pitch that is customer-focused are: more...
What do you think? Can you comment below?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Are introvert jokes really funny?
Reserving my right to stating my opinion right now.
What do you think? Can you comment below?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Monday, July 14, 2008
When Doctor and Nurse Are Not Enough: Patient Advocate to Protect
Would you leave a comment at the article? Read more!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Who says an introvert lack humor?
If you haven't already decided on your candidate, and who really has, then get caught up now.
GOT Ya! Good one, heh?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Build Your Business Even Without Your Presence!
Click the link under the heading to the right: Pat is a nationally recognized expert. Listen as Jim and I have fun with a serious topic.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Introverts and their Health
She asks, Do you find you immune system struggles after an extended period of extroverting? Why not give her your experiences? Or at least read about her findings with the poll.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Good News Studies for Introverts says USA Today
Well-known corporate CEO introverts reads like a Who's Who, starting with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Charles Schwab, Steven Spielberg and Sara Lee CEO Brenda Barnes.
Read the USA Today article on all the pluses to help you succeed as an introvert.
Tell me, what do you think? Are the studies right? Comment won't you?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Friday, July 04, 2008
What the World Needs Now is Introverts
Read her article and tell me, what do you think? Comment won't you?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One introvert recharging continuously due to health issues
As you can imagine there is much extroverting in caregiving, hence, longer than usual plugging into source to recharge and regain energy.
While I continue on this caregiving vain, here is an interesting blog for you to consider to pump up your introvert muscles! Read, It's OK to Just Shut Up.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Top Salespeople recharge their batteries!
On weekends my husband and I drive our collector cars. We also always have a date night. And I play ball with our dog more. You don't see selling in that line up do you?
This business coach is considering not even checking email on the weekends.
What do you do to recharge? Do you make your week(weak)ends stronger with some rest and relaxation?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Top Salespeople recognize a suspect versus a prospect
Do You Make These Mistakes In Sales, illustrates that a suspect and prospect are as different as Rolex is to Timex. They both keep time; the Rolex is going to keep going longer isn’t it?
What do you think? Do you make these mistakes?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Selling as an introvert - with attitude!
What do you think about his article, How introverts can win at networking events.
I've actually offered getting a drink or something for people for my own energy reprieve but he has a different twist!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Introvert Salespeople Have the Better Sales Funnel
When salespeople stay focused on the customer, instead of themselves, they naturally attract the best prospects instead of repelling people.
The premise of the BuyCycle Sales Funnel™ by Mark Sellers, puts it all together.
Mark says, "The BuyCycle Funnel™ uses the customer’s buying process to define the funnel stages. This is the most direct path to learning the customer’s buying process for each sale – which is the key to effective selling."
Hmm. Stay customer focused. Sounds familiar.
It's an old idea now repackaging a traditionally flawed system - the sales funnel.
Take a look. What do you think?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Introvert Salespeople and Sales Acceleration: Think Ferrari
I have tossed this post over and over in my mind for at least a week. It bothered me. Some may think I am boasting. Then, I thought of one of my best friends comments to me about this limiting belief: stories of personal success support my mission. And here we are.
In this little corner of the world where we are connecting, I want you so much to know that introverts can be successful salespeople. Customers crave some of the traits we bring to the selling and buying relationship. We can be successful in business playing by our rules.
Last week I connected with a terrific new friend, more on that in another post here. We connected with our car interest. He's a BMW man; Marty and I both love our 1933 Packard and F430. Now really, who would not love this gorgeous car? Oh there might be someone I suppose. It makes sense there might be people who don't give a hoot about cars.

Yes; that's me there behind the wheel.
My email exchange was humurous. "Introverts and Ferrari's are an oxymoron," my new friend quipped. He actually made one of my points before I did. For me it's not about the looks the car attracts for an introvert. Goodness it is a magnet for that. It's not this at all for me. I don't really care a hill of beans for the looks we get with it. I'll be driving it for other reasons.
My husband, all out extrovert, loves the looks he gets in my F430. But he really loves more than that! He and are are together on some of this: I love putting the pedal to the floor, feeling the car take a turn, wishing I could crank it up to 100 mph like it can do so easily, dream about our plans for next year and trailering it to a race track now being built in Virginia to just let it ride, and the quietness inside; it is so much power and somehow, quiet. Amazing.
Introvert right? Somehow quiet but powerful. Quiet means quiet.
And guess what? In my want to support my suspicions about why a car like a Ferrari for us, there is anecdotal evidence. You'll love finding out how a Ferrari can accelerate your sales.
And, we, introverts are quite the revered in the Ferrari racing circle. Jean Dodt, who my husband knew the name immediately on my finding, Jean went from Ferrari team boss to president of Ferrari and admires a group of Scandanavian Ferrari drivers who are, yes, introvert for the most part.
My friends. We can accelerate our sales. So, rev your engines, the real inside you.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Introverts and Extroverts Be Who You are!
A recent online article, Face-to-Face Networking for the Introvert: Tips for Success, had me up to “you can still act extroverted.”
This implies that there is something wrong with networking as an introvert. I must take the opposite thought - being an introvert in sales and sales management for 30 years.
Face to face introverts can bring so much more to networking: we are naturally better listeners; we are naturally more interested in learning about others than talking about ourselves; we tend to prepare in advance for even things like - networking.
These are traits that many people crave: to be listened to, to be able to talk about ourselves, to be prepared.
Introverts stay the course; just adjust your sails.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Saleswomen (and men) find life balance in 7 Turns of the Wheel
One of my local newspapers asked me to write an article about how an introvert can get balanced. I widened the focus to anyone, introvert and extrovert.: it was published twice, not just once. Guess someone must have have needed another rolling of the wheel.
If you want to find out more, read,
Help finding a smoother path in life.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey.
Read more!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Selling With Sales Momentum the Way Top Performers Do
It's about the best time to make sales calls. And has nothing to do with the day of the week.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Top Salespeople are sick and tired of recession talk

I almost got sucked into the vortex of media negativity. The news from television and radio is driving me crazy! But I am over it! Listen here ...
Or download now.
This one gives tip two of Top Producers Top 7 Secrets During a Recession or Down Economy - flex marketing muscles you love.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Intovert Salespeople Help Extrovert Customers Buy
If you are a salesperson who is an introvert, you are likely not spending any substantial time at networking events, are you?
Now, as some of your prospects are extroverts, then they just might be at those networking events that you are not at to meet them.
Regardless of whether you are selling as an introvert or extrovert, what is your favorite way to find your prospective customers?
I'd love to include your idea, with credit (name and website or email) in my monthly ezine where over 3,000 people who sell, and the list is growing everyday, will see it.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Best salespeople traits
And, if you are an introvert like me, can I trust you to let the writer know, point number one by a sales manager he interviewed, "just ain't so!"
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Economic downturn calls for better small business systems
Systemizing Your Business: HOW DO I GET STARTED? PART 1
Three critical ways to think about the structure of your business - small, medium or big business. Just in time if the R word is leading you astray.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Top salespeople don't think recession
Are we headed for a recession in 2008 or not? Larry Summers, the former US Treasury secretary said our economy is… “currently in recession.” Tammy Erickson, Harvard Business has stated, “Now we may be headed into a recession. If so, it will be the second in more than fifteen years.” Then the other side, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, recently downplayed talk of a recession. Dr. Charlie Hall, Texas A&M University, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, asks and answers, “So, why not a recession in 2008? Because the economy remains fundamentally strong.”
Just talk on its own of a possible recession affects all business. Sales organizations will either miss or grab opportunities for increased revenues regardless of the economy.
Starting March 20, Thursday, I'm planning a series of podcasts to address how top salespeople behave during all this kind of talk, real or not. The Top 7 Top Producers Secrets During a Down Economy: What to Do and Not to Do During Recession Talk. First in summary; then in detail. In my 30 years of selling, the key thing that ever affected my sales to slide --- listening to other about how bad things are during a recession.
Wake up! This is not a top salesperson's mindset.
At blogtalkradio, I'll even be interviewing my husband , successful entrepreneur and now Executive VP back in corporate after selling his business of 30 years, about his take on selling in a recession. Real or not.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Top salespeople take consistent actions
I do have podcasts planned.
There are several more articles on my to-do list.
Right now while I am still enjoying being with Marty recovering from his quadruple bypass surgery, I've got a regular chauffer duty.
However, I am getting caught up on some emails and audios. The Intentional Prosperity System Blog commented on how to change your life quickly, with an everyday focus on what you want being a must. The content is quite relevant to top salespeople actions.
Since I regularly exercise, I totally related to this metaphor. The idea works particularly well for the sales reluctant who want to be top sales performers:
For example, if you change around ("Don’t do the same thing in the same place everyday.") your prospecting and follow-up activities, then soon enough you are in a productivity routine ("Turn your consistency into a game you’re playing and winning.") and getting more sales results!
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Sidetrack to sales success not too easily
In the three weeks I have been gone it's because my husband had to have a redo of his 1996 quintuple bypass. That is my family and my health although more my husband's health. Redo's of heart bypasses are difficult. His was more complicated on top of that.
This morning as I chauffer him around in week two of his 6 weeks of no driving or sitting in a car seat with an airbag. I'll ask him just how much I can reveal.
In the meantime, I am gifting you one of my messages from a product you can get for free:
Claim all $247 worth of reports and recordings at Go there now:
Patricia Weber
The Sales Accelerator Coach for Introverts, Shy and the MOST Reluctant
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Podcast: Top Salespeople Know The Sales Process Secret
Listen now with the play button,or,Download Podcast Here
Contribute your answers to the ongoing sales reluctance survey :
Click Here to contribute your answers to the survey Read more!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Niche to End World Hunger
In connecting with people on on of my online discussion groups I met Steve Mistretta a volunteer for The Food For Everyone Foundation
Visit his "lens" and find out how this team of three he is on is carrying out a mission to end world hunger with teaching people in impoverished areas how to grow sustainable gardens which will yield five to ten times more than traditional gardening methods.
There are many ways to contribute and in addition there is even an affiliate program. Wow. Big mission that keeps on giving.
Patricia Weber Read more!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Top salespeople focus first on the customer and THIS helps
Signing off with my coach’s suggestion for my new tagline:
Patricia Weber
Sales Accelerator Coach
Move with Lightning Speed to Exceptional Selling (or something like this)
One tool to get extraordinary results for top sales producers:
Claim your GIFT ACCOUNT.
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sales Reluctance Like Baggage?
Read about it on Daniel's blog.
If you are a salesperson or independent professional or small business owner who sells, you'll want to know what baggage to leave behind and what to take with you.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Reluctance Coach
What is the area of sales of your greatest sales reluctance?
Take this sales survey. Read more!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Is your sales follow-up imposing on your prospects?
Let's say you get a golden referral to your most perfect client.
You have the first meeting and the conversation goes seamlessly. Your prospect says they are interested, they think your product or service will do what they need and they want time to think it over.
You leave with knowing your follow-up is critical.
You forgot to ask, "When would be a good time to talk next?"
You regret that and then you don't follow-up. You feel like you are bothering this - most perfect client.
There's some kind of belief you might have about follow-up that keeps you from following up. It's something to explore.
First, your prospect wants you to get back with them. Have you considered a nice handwritten, "thank you for meeting with me," kind of note?
Second, were you listening for more than buying signs? Were you listening to build your relationship by staying in touch with a phone call or email about something of interest?
Sales follow-up is not an imposition when your product or service does what your prospect wants or needs. You have an obligation to follow-up.
Patricia Weber
The Sales Reluctance Coach
What is the area of sales of your greatest reluctance?
Take this survey. Read more!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Do you know about the Small Business Advocate community?
He IS the Small Business Advocate:
Listen to my recent interview with Jim Blasingame (on the Small Business Advocate show).
Patricia Weber
The Sales Reluctance Coach
What is the area of sales of your greatest reluctance?
Take this survey. Read more!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Taking the COLD Out of Cold Calling
The Cold Calling Free Preview Call is on February 5, 2008.
Prospecting is perhaps the most important skill that entrepreneurs, business owners and sales professionals must master to be truly successful. Let’s face it, without customers you don’t have a business, and without prospecting, you don’t have customers!
In this day and age there are certainly many avenues that one can take to reach prospects. No other avenue, however, is as powerful as the one-on-one, personal, direct connection that you can make with a prospect by having a great telephone conversation.
Outsmart and Outsell the Competition
On the telephone, you can instantly build rapport, gather information, show your expertise and move your sales process forward, all of this while your competition is still trying to get in the door.
Many people, however, struggle with prospecting by phone. The reality is that prospecting can be difficult, but it doesn’t need to be. The good news is that cold calling is a communication skill, and like any communication skill, it can be learned and improved upon. In working with my clients, many of them have practiced new skills and are thrilled to see their results change.
If you struggle with prospecting, you too can see amazing change and terrific improvement in your ability to connect with multiple new prospects on a personal level, and have them agree to sit down and have a further conversation with you.
The Cold Calling Free Preview Call is on February 5, 2008 and details can be found here:
Don’t wait. This preview call is guaranteed to help, right now, regardless of your sales experience or background.
To your success!
Pat Weber
FREE Report: 6 Secrets to Sales Success for Introverts!
Through JAN 31 2008:
Get 2008 Calendar with Top 52 Coaching Thoughts! Read more!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Selling Yourself Your Way Gets the Best Sales Results
Salespeople's best bet is to be sure how they sell fits them and their customer.
Take a look at this article which purports a "CDC process to selling: collect, discard and create."
Patricia Weber
The Sales Reluctance Coach
What is the area of sales of your greatest reluctance?
Take this survey. Read more!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
2008 Sales Reluctance Survey Findings Revealed
Here's one of the problems uncovered about networking:
Do you go to networking events without meeting the right, and enough people, like 31.4% of people I’ve surveyed say they do.
But take one step back.
Before you can put effective networking conversations in place, your beliefs about the sales process have to support you in that same direction. It's techniques that allow you to make the value connection without feeling so self-conscious so that then the relationship will develop naturally from there.
Here's a networking strategy to loosen that straight jacket of sales reluctance:
Networking is one marketing strategy that finds you leads and connections. But how often do you go to a network event and have your energy sizzle out for you before you get what you intended to? I bet you've even experienced times when you wanted to turn around before you even arrived! The attitudes, behaviors and emotional methods that work need to be within your comfort zone so that you become energized about going to your next networking event. Really.
My Special Tip For Your Next Event.
First, here's one of my favorite techniques when you do go to a networking event.
Most sales training or even sales coaches might tell you to go to an event and meet as many people as possible. Talk with and get business cards from everyone you can. Then follow up with everyone to find out about your next step.
Whew, I'm exhausted just saying that as an idea.
Here's a little peek at what I know that you can do that you likely aren't already. Or else why would you be so held in the grips of sales reluctance?
So here's a strategy for the sales reluctant:
- Plan to go to an event.
- Decide in advance how many people or even who you want to meet.
- You might even want to ask a friend at the event to introduce you to just those people.
- Get only these people's business cards.
- Ask people to write their birthday on the back of their card – month and day only!
- If other people ask you for your card, give them only if you decide you intuitively know there is some worthwhile connection.
- Then, within two days, systematize your follow up with people and invite them to your next step to connect after the event. Also, use your system to send them a birthday card when it rolls around.
Everyone loves to know you remember their birthday. Here's a great tip I stumbled on to make your telephone do JUST that for you!
Is this networking for the "right people", people you want to meet strategy more doable? Is it within your reach?
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.
Pat Weber, America's Sales Reluctance Coach
Specializing for Introverts and Shy
Shy? Introvert? Reluctant about any part of the sales process?
Custom TIPAMONTH Marketing is an easy solution! test drive an account.
PS You can still take the sales reluctance survey! Read more!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Lucky people are more extroverted?
As you read the premise of this article, again there is an underlying misconception as so often happens with introversion versus extroversion.
What I DO agree with is the statement that to have more chance encounters turn into lucky opportunities means you have to be somewhat of a "social magnet."
Would you agree? I mean if you are a social butterfly, you will simply increase the number of your encounters.
But, here is where I part ways: "Social magnets attract others because they exhibit behaviors that other people find attractive and inviting, namely eye contact, smiling and open body language."
People think I AM an extrovert because I listen, with my eye contact, and I always wear a smile because - I am happy!
You can have "namely eye contact," and be more of an introvert.
Check out the Make Your Luck at The Luck Factor.
So how can we as people with sales reluctance make our own luck with less chance encounters? Isn't that the question?
Patricia Weber
The Sales Reluctance Coach
Specialty in Introverts and Shy Read more!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Sales reluctance turns into sales disappointments
It's NOT surprising that 36% of those who responded said, "I am queasy about thinking about being at one."
Come on! I'm an INTJ who sells and attends these events. Most of the time I make it through about an hour of balancing food, drink (mine's usually water) and a semi-conscious conversation from another party.
There's a most surprising let-down around networking. A sales disappointment that I don't often experience.
It's a sales problem that must be addressed because as much as I dislike them - networking events work for me! I get leads, connections and sometimes clients.
The finding that I will be posting some bull-eyes tips for: "I attend them [networking events] but I don't meet the right people." That was mentioned 50% of the 12 "other" problems with networking.
Let your sales hat soak that in.
Then come back once I've noodled it around a bit.
Patricia Weber
Sales Reluctance Coach with Specialty of Introverts and Shy
PS: I've posted my very first online video. No; not ready for PrimeTime or You Tube. We will get to finally meet though if we have not already. So take the survey now that is going to open even your selling eyes... Click Here to Take Survey. Read more!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
A Happy Introvert Day!
As you start the New Year with celebration, consider Diane Cameron's idea. And I'm not referring to her statement about Howard Dean.
What idea intrigues me is claiming a A Happy Introvert Day. It's of course, perfect timing.
And why wouldn't be?
As introverts we usually think and plan before we dare make such a bold declaration.
What do you think? Can we just claim January 2nd as Introvert Day?
Do we even want to? Wouldn't it mean some kind of party to go to or can we make our own "party" rules?
Hope you celebrate a great 2008 EVERYDAY.
Pat Weber, America's #1 Sales Reluctance Coach
Specialty of Introverts and Shy
Shy? Introvert? Reluctant about any part of the sales process?
Just one tool for follow up that gets results for the reluctant salesperson: and get a GIFT ACCOUNT. Read more!